Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Elizabeth Connor

Date submitted
11 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Stonehenge is an important historical site not just for Britain but for the world. There is a misconception that the only part of this site that is important is the henge itself and this is not true. Our understanding of this unique site is constantly changing as more archaeological evidence has been found at the henge and around the site.

The area surround this site contains unique archaeological evidence of our history, of the development of human civilisation and has brought our understanding of how civilisation has developed forward by leaps and bounds. New important artefacts and evidence keep being excavated at the site and I am sure that there is much more to be discovered.

The A303 at Stonehenge project puts in jeopardy this important site. Important historical artefacts have already been damaged by the work including the Blick Mead Mesolithic site and without doubt more will be damaged and destroyed if this work is to continue. If we allow this site to be destroyed then we lose a part of our history. The preservation of our history and archaeological sites is paramount to our understanding of our history and our ancestors.

Also while a lot of the focus has been on the potential disturbance of the UNESCO world heritage site we must also not forget the effect on the local wildlife. In this era of great environmental disasters and climate change we should be doing everything that we can to protect local species. This project for the A303 will disturb some rare wildlife in the area, in particular the Stone Curlew and Great Bustard, and put them further at risk. This does not seem to have been taken into account by Highways England and it should be a huge factor in any development.

I am expressing my deepest concern about this project and how it has been approved. UNESCO themselves have expressed their concerns about the site and have said that the plans in their current form should not go ahead. The lack of alternative options to this plan has to raise serious apprehensions about how this plan was allowed to be approved, given the impact and potential destruction of an important archaeological site and the damage to the local environment.

I am asking that the planning inspectorate re-evaluate this project and the potential devastation that it will have on the environment and unique historical site. There must be alternatives that will mitigate these risks as much as possible and those should be allowed to be investigated. Once we have lost these animals or these artefacts they are gone for good and there is no getting them back. I am sure the preservation of our countryside and our history are paramount to you and will be considered in your review.

I thank you for your time in reading this.