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Representation by David Perrow

Date submitted
11 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I OBJECT to this project since it will cause irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, which UNESCO describe as a ‘landscape without parallel’. UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. There has been a lack of alternative options in consultation that would not damage the World Heritage Site

The present preliminary work by Highways England has already caused irredeemable damage to the area around the site in that a pre-historic monument has been breached by excavation. This demonstrates the inadequate control of the planning system, English Heritage & the National Trust to control any works so near to the historic sites.

In view of the prospect of quieter and electric cars, and self drive/auto navigation, it seems that such mega road developments and tunnels will prove totally unnecessary by mid-century. If we proceed we will lose our historical record and not gain anything in terms of loss of traffic or reduced pollution, since these problems will resolve themselves through technological development within the next 30 years