Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by John Smith-Warren

Date submitted
11 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am extremely concerned that the new “proposed” road and tunnel currently in planning will cause irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site that is Stonehenge and irs surrounding environment.

If [Redacted] group, caused the proposed damage to the Stonehenge site being planned - not just the stones - the country would be enraged.

The current plans for the A303 around Stonehenge will be just that, [Redacted] that can never be reversed and I, on behalf of myself and future generations of this country, must insist that the current proposals are dropped and new proposals submitted.

I understand that the current plans have caused worldwide condemnation and would ask that these plans are revised and realise that a longer tunnel and/or diversion would involve a greater investment by everyone.

The costs of not taking the option of the revised route cannot be estimated because the damage to the Stonehenge site would be irreversible and, therefore, incalculable.

Please do not damage this World Heritage Site to serve the god of expense.