Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Rob phillips

Date submitted
11 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Gason Lane: I live on Gason Lane - a narrow single track lane with minimal passing spaces, currently connected to A303 and used as a rat run when traffic is heavy with a gridlock resulting and no effective home access for my family including to my elderly mother. Understand plan is to disconnect from A303 within new works. I’d suggest an early and immediate removal of access at top or lane onto A303 and satnav / signage to reflect access only at bottom of lane. This lane then needs to continue having verges cut by council I can’t be downgraded as a result. This for assured access thereafter including for emergency vehicles.

Noise and access during construction: On noise abatement I’d appreciate a policy here as close to the road. Ie hours of work so I know I can get my young family to sleep, policy on vehicular access routes etc. Noting Gason Lane clearly can’t take any site traffic at all. As a queen camel resident likewise concerned on narrow access and gridlock through our high street. Reserving position on impact if any to house prices and again would appreciate policy clarification there.

Noise management and visual impact thereafter: With the decision to maintain the existing ridge contour comes a responsibility to ensure road is well insulated both visually and acoustically from Queen Camel and West Camel communities. Clarification of how this will be done would be appreciated.

Many thanks

Rob Phillips