Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Sally Herriett

Date submitted
11 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As an archaeologists and university lecturer I Am deeply concerned about the irreparable damage that will be done to Stonehenge and the WHS. Already the immensely important site at Black Mead has been damaged and this is unacceptable. As a child I remember sitting on the stones and pick-nicking and whilst I fully understand that this is not something I may ever be able to repeat I am very aware that not everybody will be able to pay the extortionate entrance fee and this new road/tunnel development will limit the chance of many to be able to see what is after-all a monument that is owned by the country and thus owed by us all. Many noted archaeologists and indeed UNESCO’s own advisers believe this scheme should not go ahead in its present form.