Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Mark Jones

Date submitted
11 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have been very interested in, and very highly value, all sites with ancient human value for most of my life, man and boy (I'm in my fifties). The Stonehenge Landscape is supreme among these, and that is so across the whole world. I am not alone, as UNESCO describes this area as, 'landscape without parallel', and I cannot but wholeheartedly agree. The current tunnel scheme will cause irreparable damage to the whole area. UNESCO has sent advisors, who have reported that the current plan should not be implemented, as it is. A news report, heard on BBC Radio 4 a few weeks ago, has indicated that contractors have already caused major damage to 10,000-year-old stratigraphy at Blick Mead, the likely primary, pre-Stonehenge, area, as inhabited by humans, just after the last ice-age. The current, and valuable, designation as a World Heritage Site would be lost, and with it, much of eternal British value, and, secondarily, revenue earning potential! I am lead to understand that appalling destruction would be meted out on the current ecology, including bird species. Surprisingly, there is still some degree of peace across the site, which, with increased traffic and speeds, would be very largely lost, in places anywhere near the road surface.