Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Elgiva Tiptaft

Date submitted
12 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The site is ancient, unique and precious. I’d like to see it honoured for its age and magnificence, allowed to stand unadulterated in ancient mystery and timelessness.

The current plans to interfere with the lay of the land are not in integrity with the above. Building an expressway which damages a site that has quietly and constantly stood for thousands of years seems desperate. A better direction forward would be to think outside the box where inspiration and respect for ancient sites is given space.

We need to keep ancient sites safe from modern blinded chaos and pace.

I believe that the ancient site of Stonehenge is a Sacred Site, set on Sacred Ground. As such the site must not be interfered with on land, nor below ground. The energetic systems of our planet Earth should not be tampered with, most especially where Sacred Sites are situated.