Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Jillian Head

Date submitted
12 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The Stoneheenge site is an iconic landscape known and appreciated accross the world. Hence its World Heritage status. Unesco describs it as a 'Landscape without parallel.' Future generations will see this as an act of vandalism if this unique landscape is ruined for ever. It can never be replaced. UNESCO international advisers recommend the scheme should not go ahead in it's present form. Having read at length the opinions of many archeologists and other experts, i feel we should not be going ahead and putting the bypass in its present position thus damaging Blick Mead Metholitic site, losing the ability to increase our knowledge of the period. I feel the loss of view from the road and therefore ability to see the stones only by paying is a retrograde step, and will change the way the public react with and to the site. There will be additional traffic noise as well as disturbance of rare birds eg bustards and stone curlew. There should be other options to consider within the consultation process which would not damage the World Heritage Site. Many people from accross the world are interested in the future of the site and want us to look at other options and do the right thing to conserve this iconic world renowned site for the future.

UNESCO advisors say the scheme should not go ahead in it's present form as there are worries about erreprable damage to Blick Mead neolithic site and it's setting within the Stonehenge landscape.Thus neolithic site cannot be put back once it has been disturbed, with all the archeological history which would be lost I feel it would be an act of vandalism on a scale that future generations as well as ours will finf unforgiveable. There has been a distinct lack of alternative options set out in the consultation which would lend themselves to a more sensitive approach and would not damage The World Heritage Status. Indeed if we get this wrong The World Heritage Status may be lopst resulting in fewer visitors. Liss of view from the road is a retrograde step people have come to epxpect to see the site, the fact you could only see Stonehenge by paying is very undemocratic. The road noise will be increased with the present options and would be detrimental to rare bird species including stone curlew, and great bustard. Many archeologists accross the world feel there should be other more sensitive options within the consultation which would cause much less potential damage and leave Blick Mead intact.