Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Oliver Lavery

Date submitted
12 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a Wiltshire resident and Briton I find this proposed tunnel an absolute abomination and a disgrace and oppose its construction absolutely. It has been proven by preliminary work on this site in the Black Meade area that this work cannot go ahead without putting precious archeological and historical material at risk. Damage has already been done. Irreparable damage, and should the project go ahead we will lose further precious archeological clues into this period in history. This is not acceptable. As well as disagreeing to this work on historical and archeological grounds, I also object on religious grounds. This is our most important religious and sacred site and that includes the entire landscape. As someone who self identifies with the solar and nature based faiths of our ancestors I view this incursion into my sacred landscape unacceptable on the grounds of religious discrimination. This includes both traffic noise disturbing the quiet, the physical infrastructure spoiling the landscape and the simple knowledge that a tunnel is penetrating the land mass beneath this sacred site. This too, is unacceptable.