Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Peter Blacklock

Date submitted
12 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This proposal will cause unknown and irreparable damage to a globally important historic site. It ignores other ways of opening up travel between the west and London (I.e. Improved railways). Importantly, international experts have condemned it. The promoters' view that it will limit rat runs in nearby villages is patently absurd and its effects will be felt miles away at Salisbury.

The plan for Stonehenge is likely to cause irreparable damage to a world heritage site. It will mean the view of the monument will be lost from the main road. It will affect the habitat of two rare bird species. It will snarl up traffic for miles around by creating its own extra traffic (a well documented result of building a main road) so affecting neighbouring people's lives. But most of all it is an outdated solution to a road problem and alternatives do not appear to have been sufficiently explored with an eye to the future and to new solutions.