Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Shelagh Day

Date submitted
12 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My concerns about the proposed route for the A303 at Stonehenge are:

  1. The tunnel is not sufficiently long, thereby damaging this World Heritage Site. This site is large and there is still a lot to be discovered and so care must be taken to ensure it is left undisturbed IN ITS ENTIRETY.

  2. Much of this proposal will damage this incomparable site (over and above 1.) for instance increased noise from faster traffic - the congestion has at least reduced road noise!

  3. Supporting 1. is the fact that the UNESCO advisers are against this scheme, saying it will damage the Outstanding Universal Value of this site.

  4. The damage to rare birds, especially Stone Curlews. My son's PhD was on the effect of traffic on this species and proved that, in particular, car lights had a huge impact on these ground nesting birds.

  5. Damage to the very ancient Blick Mead site. Archaeology at this site is in its infancy. This site has the potential to throw huge light on Stonehenge and therefore is incredibly important. To damage this site, which is far older than Stonehenge, would be sacrilege and unforgivable. Not only would the proposed works damage this site but are likely to alter the water table, thereby potentially damaging organic remains and altering the ancient spring which is unique.

  6. Future generations should be able to expand this World Heritage Site and make new discoveries. We have no right to remove this opportunity.

  7. Alternative routes (such as a southern bypass) should have been proposed, to allow proper debate and discussion to find the route which will cause the least damage. This is far too important an area for several proposals not to be on the table.

I would prefer no new road to this scheme - I and other members of my family regularly drive this road but would rather cope with the congestion than damage this wonderful, unique, British site. Imagine the furore should Egypt do a project like this in amongst the pyramids!