Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Melanie Humphries-Cuff

Date submitted
12 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The crime of obliterating a great swathe of the most revered ancient site in the world is beyond comprehension. Does Highways England not understand that the monument of Stonehenge is only a small part of this priceless historic landscape and we, twenty first century Britains, are its custodians. THIS CANNOT BE DESECRATED ON OUR WATCH.

If this irreparable damage happened in a third world country we would call it despicable. This plan is wanton destruction on a par with the recent atrocities to ancient sites carried out at Palmyra and to the Buddhas of Bamiyan.

On a micro level, has it not been noted that the work is much too close to the Mesolithic site of Blick Mead which only now is beginning to be further understood and is the key to the roots of Stonehenge. It is shaming that we should let this devastation happen.

Any organization with any integrity would realise this is not an issue to ride roughshod over. More time is required to come up with a solution to this major scheme which does not result in the terrible loss of part of our heritage forever.