Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Adele Sharp

Date submitted
13 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have grave concerns about the intended development of this World Heritage Site. There is a lot of untouched archaeology that risks being disturbed and irretrievably lost forever at this site. Year on year new discoveries and additional information is gained about our ancestors by archaeologists. This site as a WHS is of value to humans all over the world not just the British, even UNESCO has described the site as a ‘landscape without parallel’ and think the scheme should not go ahead in its present form.

There seems to be no real alternative options available in the consultation that will not damage this World Heritage Site and will likely damage the Blick Mead Mesolithic site and its setting. I have grown up visiting this site at every opportunity, just for the site itself or on the way to holidays in Cornwall. It was a stopping point just before dawn to watch the sunrise and have a cup of tea with family soaking in the atmosphere and history before travelling on to visit Roman Villas etc. on holiday. The schemes proposed seem a deliberate scheme to block our view of the site from the road as a money making exercise. I don't have to pay to see Canterbury Cathedral from afar so why should i have to pay for the view of Stonehenge?! I am also far from convinced that the traffic will improve with this scheme, most likely it will simply cause jams elsewhere and increased noise if the traffic does move faster.