Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by S Strain

Date submitted
13 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my utmost disagreement with the continuation of the work of Highways England at the Stonehenge site, as I believe it is causing irreperable damage to the ancient siting of the stones and the landscape in which they inhabit. I refer you to the Guardian article published on the 6 December, referencing recent drilling at Blick Mead, to quote [Redacted]:

“It the tunnel goes ahead the water table will drop and all the organic remains will be destroyed. It may be that there are footprints here which would be the earliest tangible signs of life at Stonehenge. If the remains aren’t preserved we may never be able to understand why Stonehenge was built.”

This site has been recognised as one of immense importance through the awarding of UNESCO status, as such it should be left undisturbed so that it can continue to be shared and enjoyed for generations to come.

For these reasons I object to any further work being done on site and that we return the site to its closest natural state, at the earliest opportunity.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. S. Strain