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Representation by Anne Robinson

Date submitted
13 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Information was lacking to properly assess the environmental impacts of the scheme. There are likely to be seriously damaging effects on wildlife and the water regime. Local people would suffer noise, poor air quality and inconvenience. Millions would lose the valued view of the Stones from the A303.

Western section - I object to the huge expressway interchange close to the World Heritage Site (WHS) which would irreparably damage archaeology and intrude on the setting of the WHS.

Central section - I object to the massive tunnel portals and a 4-lane expressway in deep cuttings. They would be both visually and audibly intrusive within the WHS, & destroy the integrity of the archaeology and on wildlife.

Eastern section - The c.3km tunnel would be too short to protect the WHS from irreparable damage. The flyover and associated engineering would have detrimental impacts on Blick Mead Mesolithic site, Listed buildings, a Registered Park and a Conservation Area; and could adversely affect wildlife and the River Avon Special Area of Conservation.