Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Patricia Shaw

Date submitted
13 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The importance of this site - not only in the UK, but within the global setting of it, - has not yet even been partially understood! Especially in terms of its links to other cultures of similar eras, and the complex assemblages of construction and intricate stratigraphic composition seen within and without of Stonehenge. We know next to nothing of how this complex archaeology - if this has even been totally defined - is linked to the complete matrix of other sites and cultures within and without the UK! Much of the site in the early years of investigation was not fully understood as archaeological techniques were still in their infancy. To loose more information by construction of this road is nothing short of barbaric! As an archaeologist, in a perfect world we would excavate until all archaeology was exposed, recorded and fully investigated but our system is governed by time and money! This is one EXTREMELY important site, however, where this should not be allowed to happen! We need to maximize the information gleened from this site and all those associated with it!