Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Richard Metcalfe

Date submitted
18 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The current A303 is a public right of way for all classes of user. As such it provides an important link for users of BOATS joining byway AMES11 and 12. The proposed scheme removes the rights of motorised vehicle users to a linked network. It is vitally important for the vehicular rights to be maintained along the section of the current A303 joining the two byways.

The proponents of the scheme argue that allowing vehicular rights along the A303 is contrary to the scheme objectives for reducing vehcular traffic in the WH site. This argument is illogical as vehicular traffic will still continue to use byway 12, and traffic that would would have used byway 11 will use 12 instead so there will still be byway user traffic within the site. It is also likely that the creation of a dead end on byway 11 will increase traffic because users will accidentally find the it is a deadend, retrace their route and then proceed along byway 12, and some users may intnetionally do so.

Removing the link between the two byways will actually increase the level of traffic within the site.

Maintaining the link will also enhace the safety of motorcyclist users of byways, in partucular, as the alternative routes present significanly higher risk of injury and death.