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Representation by Wiltshire Ramblers (Wiltshire Ramblers)

Date submitted
18 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Wiltshire Ramblers is broadly supportive of this long-overdue initiative to improve the A303 between Amesbury and Berwick Down, but would like to repeat some of the requests/observations we made in our response to the official consultation on the proposals:

  • we would like the new footpath and cycle track running along the north side of the existing A303 from Winterbourne Stoke to the south side of the new Longbarrow junction to start at the junction of the existing A303 and WSTO4and to cross the River Till on its own footbridge north of the present A303

  • we cannot see why the central section of the existing A303 above the new tunnel should be fenced off, as this would prevent visitors to the World Heritage Site from roaming freely across it

  • we would like byway AMES2 to be kept open and a footbridge to be built across the A303 where Allington Lane/byway AMES2 crosses it to facilitate this, as the considerable diversion to the west which would be required without this for users of Allington Lane or AMES1 is, we believe, unreasonably inconvenient. Such users are likely to include military staff housed in married quarters at Boscombe Down who require frequent access to Bulford Camp