Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Nina Patrick

Date submitted
26 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Rwy'n gwrthwynebu'r niwed a gynigir i Gôr y Cewr. Mae'n safle sanctaidd ac ni ddylid ei niweidio o dan eich gofal. Mae'r wefan hon wedi cael ei barchu am filoedd o flynyddoedd ac ni ddylech dderbyn eich gofal chi heb ddifrod. Mae rhai pethau yn werth mwy nag arian a chyfleustra. Mae hwn yn un.

Rwy'n byw yn yr Unol Daleithiau ac rwy'n ymweld â'r wefan hon unwaith y flwyddyn.

I object to the harm proposed to Stonehenge. It is a sacred site and should not be harmed under your care. This site has been revered for thousands of years and should received your caretaking not damage. Some things are worth more than money and convenience. This is one.

I live in the United States and I visit to this site once yearly.