Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Andrew Broadbent

Date submitted
26 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sirs, I am writing to you as a very concerned UK citizen, at the moment living and working in Chicago, USA . I am writing with regards to the planning proposal for the A303 Stonehenge expressway.

I strongly object to this proposal.

The reasons for my objections are primarily about the irreparable damage that will be done to this unique British Archaeological site. As any person interested in archaeology knows (amateur or professional), once you uncover or disturb a site, change or remove any artifacts, you change it forever and for any future generations benefit. Change and damage to the wider site around Stonehenge will not be reversible and would be permanent.

Traffic and the internal combustion engine is a huge problem here and now, but it is a short term problem in the timescale of Stonehenge. A problem that will naturally resolve itself in the future and will make our current road activities look like criminal negligence.

This proposal affects not only something unique and critical for Britain, but also to a UNESCO recognized site. One described by UNESCO as "... a landscape without parallel"

I implore you to leave this landscape unspoiled and undamaged for future generations to enjoy. Generations that will have technology, techniques and abilities to analyse the overall prehistoric landscape in ways that will make us look like cavemen..

Thank you for considering my objection to this proposal

Yours Faithfully Andrew W Broadbent