Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Robert Christensen

Date submitted
28 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
      As a citizen of the United States of America and as a global citizen, I would like to express my concern regarding continuance and completion of this upcoming project. While I understand and respect that England deserves to enhance it's own transportation systems, I implore the consideration of the ramifications that follow the damage and permanent reorganization of a worldwide renowned archeological wonder, namely, the Stonehenge World Heritage Site. While economic reasons are important, this decision goes far beyond the scope of simply urbanizing a tract of English land, having irreversible consequences which will affect all who treasure this wonderful site across the globe forever more. 
     My voice echoes that of UNESCO in articulating the importance of preserving this ancient and historic place, which UNESCO describes as a "landscape without parallel;" a statement that I am confident is easily confirmed by a multitude of experts in the archeology field. International advisors from UNESCO have also expressed their dissent in the moving forward of this project as it currently stands, a stance which deserves to be considered with great seriousness and sobriety. Currently, I am likewise concerned for the current lack of alternative solutions up for discussion which would not be damaging to this World Heritage Site and the vital ecology surrounding the site, including, but not limited to, the disturbance of the Stone Curlew and Great Bustard, two rare species of bird who are potentially at risk, should this project continue as planned. 
      In conclusion, given the archeological importance of the Stonehenge World Heritage Site, the ecosystem balance of the surrounding area, and the irreversible damage that will potentially be done to both of these, I implore the reconsideration of the current development plan with respect to these reasons. As mentioned earlier, this choice goes far beyond a simple road construction, being so intertwined with a site that is treasured around the globe. Being the advanced and intelligent beings that we are as humans, I have faith that we can and will respect this World Heritage Site and it's archeological treasures for generations to come. Thank you so much for your time and consideration.


Robert Christensen.