Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Michelle Sallis

Date submitted
31 December 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

It is important that j'ust because we can do something, doesn't mean we should', is weighed up in this case. It would seem that alternative options with less negative impact have not been provided or possibly even investigated, instead, the cheapest, simplest plan has been put forward as the only solution. This is a terrible mistake!

When building a project outline you need to weigh up what is the right solution and sometimes that means doing nothing, as the impact of doing something has far greater negative impacts than the positive impact of the original problem you are looking to solve (I am a Project Manager by trade); That would certainly seem to be the case here.

Currently Stone Henge is a world class landscape without parallel (UNESCO) heritage site, that must be protected. The current plan would cause irreparable damage to the site, it's archaeology and countryside setting.

UNESCO themselves have stated that the project should not go ahead in its present form, so why is this being pushed and alternatives not investigated?

The answer is simple, time and money, however how urgent is this project really and aren't there other projects that could better serve the protection of heritage sites, rather than this, which while possible short term gain commercially, would medium to long term have a negative impact on the monuments, site and wildlife. The loss of the view for all, of the stones from the current road and the need to pay just to catch a glimpse is a travesty. I understand commercialism and the need for upkeep of the site, however, this site belongs to everyone and while what has already been done (paying to see the site close up) stands, to remove the wondrous view would be churlish, apart from anything else, that very view inspires many people to take a closer look.

Threats to local wildlife, in particular the birdlife should be seriously investigated and avoided.

In all the current plan/proposal doesn't pass viable inspection and should be rejected, with further options to be provided for consultation.