Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Laura Blake

Date submitted
1 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have huge concerns that alternatives that wouldn't cause irreversible damage to a World Heritage Site were not provided in the consultation. It worries me greatly how many highly destructive projects Highways England are trying to push through throughout the country, with no concern for their actions, and taking no notice of locals, members of the public, and experts such as UNESCO. Too much damage is (the damage already caused to the site by HE is despicable, and should be enough to seriously question and stop this scheme) and will be done to the site, wildlife, habitats, and environment, and for what? I question that this is about making money out of Stonehenge by removing free visibility to the stones, and is nothing to do with improving anything for anyone. Highways England need to be held accountable and stopped on this and other projects.