Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Matthew Sleigh

Date submitted
2 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The route of the A303 passes through, and near, terrain containing priceless historical and prehistoric remains that will be irrevocably changed, or totally destroyed by the proposed work. Even if the "tunnel" was significantly lengthened, associated work could not avoid seriously disturbing land that certainly contains artifacts, earthworks, and other evidence of unique importance. The significant subsidence along the route of the tunnel will make future investigations of prehistoric remains problematic, and in parts the work will pass directly through areas rich in artifacts. A proper study need to be done, before work commences, to thoroughly check the route for any remains that are still hidden, every serious study undertaken has discovered new and important aspects of the complex, and it is ridiculous to assume that there is nothing important to find in any part of such a rich landscape. Of course, if work does go ahead it will be a wonderful and unique opportunity for archaeologists to closely observe a deeper cut through and under the landscape, the study of which will certainly add to our understanding of the regions prehistory.