Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Kate Freeman

Date submitted
6 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Contrary to Highways England's stated aims I believe that the A303 Stonehenge Expressway will not fulfil its cultural aim "to conserve and enhance the World Heritage Site and to make it easier to reach and explore".

As a Wiltshire resident and regular visitor to Stonehenge World Heritage Site I question

  • the quality of visitor experience along the new A303 byway in terms of noise, fencing and aesthetics,

  • the quality of access by sustainable modes, and

  • deprivation of the famous ‘drive past’ view of the monument currently enjoyed along the A303.

I am also concerned

  • that there will be greater reliance on access via the Stonehenge Visitor Centre car park which charges high fees,

  • that tunnel closures are likely to impact on access to the WH Site and Visitor Centre, and

  • that there is a risk of disturbance to rare bird species that nest in the area.

I acknowledge there is an intermittent traffic problem but I believe that this has been overstated in order to justify this massive road scheme which is deeply damaging to the World Heritage Site.