Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Derrick Coffee

Date submitted
6 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the 'short tunnel' option for the following reasons:

It is an large scale intrusive measure which degrades the setting of the ancient monument thus creating a low benchmark which as a precedent would render other sensitive sites - including those yet to be discovered - vulnerable, and send a signal to current and future generations that significant artefacts and achievements of past ages can be sacrificed for very minor material 'gains' insignificant or inherently damaging in themselves. The Stonehenge monument is internationally significant in the story of human development and offers a wonderful educational experience to all mankind. The proposals would severely damage that experience and potentially the wider site which I believe is likely to contain other significant chapters of the story of humanity. The whole special atmosphere of the place would be destroyed.