Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Carole Mora

Date submitted
6 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I was born in the U.S.A. and have been a resident here all my life. However, my ancestry is nearly 80% British. I have visited the U.K. a few times and was able to visit Stonehenge in December 2006. At that time I was a bit concerned about the proximity of the gift shop near the entrance because the atmosphere verged on that of a "theme park". The recent plans to further develop the area near and around this ancient site would be a further encroachment on this special place. I believe that there is now an opportunity to create policies that would protect Stonehenge and places like it, from being overly commercialized and/or damaged by overdevelopment in adjoining areas. I want to express my support of initiatives to prevent the routing of roadways too near this important historical site. I strongly believe that the dual carriageway and tunnel construction would have a negative impact on this site and support the efforts of the Stonehenge Alliance Team in this regard.