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Representation by Loyal Arthurian Warband (Druid Order) (Loyal Arthurian Warband (Druid Order) )

Date submitted
7 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a senior Druid, (I speak for a large number of Druids) having worked in and around The Stonehenge Landscape for more than thirty years;

Having attended many planning meetings, applications and Public Inquiries, as well as various consultations with The Highways Agency and their contractors since the idea was first put to the public in the nineteen eighties.

I consider myself a 'Stakeholder' in the broader Stonehenge World Heritage site landscape, as recognised by UNESCO, and many of the Authorities concerned with it's management.

My Objections, and those of the wider Druid and Pagan community I represent, to this scheme are as follows;

1, The close proximity of the proposed Western Portal and ancillary works, to, and therefore the likelihood of damage to, the integrity of The Ancient (and protected) Burial Mounds, where 'our' ancestors were laid to rest;

And any Light pollution caused around the Sunsets over the Winter Solstice Period as seen from the Centre of the Stonehenge Circle, (which observations are arguably the very reason for Stonehenge's existence), without which, there would simply be no reason for this tunnel consultation and/or option in the first place.

2, The close proximity to the Archaeologically significant site of 'Blickmead' of the proposed Eastern Portal and ancillary works.

In my view a 'Longer' Bored tunnel, entering and exiting outside of the World Heritage site would be more acceptable to ALL those concerned.