Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by John Callow

Date submitted
7 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to object that this proposed fails to meet it objective in reducing congestion on the A303, it will simply transfer the congestion creating new bottle necks at the roundabout that feed into the proposed intersections of this road. The proposed tunnel is far too short to create any meaningful benefit to journey times. The other objection is the cost of the proposed tunnel at present I believe it is estimated at £1.4 billion and every building scheme in this country never is completed within budget and I would confidently say that this scheme could easily increase in cost by 20%. I do not believe in the costing that any provision for additional security and given the controversial nature of this scheme I believe that this should also be factored in. In the Newbury bypass that was over 20 years ago the cost of security came to millions of pounds. The tunnel is being built on geographically challenging rock formations and there is nothing that I can see within the plans to tackle the release of Radon gas and again this will increase the cost of completing the scheme. To summaries my objection I feel this is a hugely expensive scheme that will simply transfer road congestion. John Callow 07/01/19