Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Lesley Kahney

Date submitted
8 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  • Roadworkers have already been accused of damaging part of the Stonehenge site as part of the preparation for the tunnel.
  • UNESCO said a gunnel would have an adverse impact on the WHS.
  • Rare, reintroduced birds - notably Great Bustard and Stone Curlew will be very vulnerable to digging in the area.
  • Chief of UNESCO said Stonehenge might loose its WH status if the tunnel is built.
  • the tunnel will prevent views of the site.
  • Leading prehistorians fear for the total loss of archeological remains and evidence.
  • The chairman of Avebury Council thinks more people will go to Avebury instead.