Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Saskia Kent

Date submitted
8 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly object to the proposal for the tunnel. I believe it will cause irrepairable harm to this extremely important world heritage site, indeed it has already damaged important archeology with test drilling. It will deny millions the chance to see the stones as they travel past, as they have done for centuries. The Tunnel and associated engineering will in itself be an ugly imposition on this relatively pristine landscape. Increasing the road capacity will also increase traffic volume, thus noise and particulate and noxious gases pollution and damaging to wildlife. That leading archeologists with intimate knowledge of the area also strongly object to this absurd proposal should be sufficient evidence to quash this unneccesary and profoundly damaging development. Advances in technology have meant huge strides in our understanding of the area with new discoveries every year. Leave it alone.