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Representation by Mr C A Rowland (Mr C A Rowland)

Date submitted
9 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am a Partner in PJ Rowland & Sons tenants of Ratfyn Farm, Amesbury who have made their own representation, but I also personally own Watergate Farm, Amesbury which adjoins Ratfyn Farm to the west and north.

I have invested a considerable sum of money in establishing a series of coarse fishing lakes on my own property and at Ratfyn Farm and I have serious concerns with the proposals put forward by Highways England as they, despite being asked on numerous occasions, have not answered my concerns about the potential increase or decrease in the water table which will result from the installation of the tunnel.

Highways England are assuming that because the tunnel will be installed below the known water courses that there will be no affect. However, no details have been made available as to what they envisage will happen to the water courses during construction as there will be areas of the scheme that will not be installed below the known water tables. The evidence that there will be no effect on the water course requires further examination to conclusively prove the point that has been virtually dismissed by Highways England at present.

The proposed contractor’s compound is also shown to be adjacent to the River Avon and its siting would appear to take little account of the highly significant flora and fauna situated adjacent to the River Avon and I am concerned about the detrimental effect this will have given the intended period of use for the contractor’s compound.

The health of the River Avon is currently under stress resulting from various factors but the contractor’s compound with the potential for contamination gives me cause for concern as any pollution to enter the River Avon by the contractors will ruin the River Avon in perpetuity and end my diversification protects leading to business interruption and loss of income.

As tenant of Ratfyn Farmhouse I also have concerns about increased light pollution from the proposals from the Countess Roundabout and also increased noise from the improvements for which no appropriate proposals to reduce the pollution appear to have been incorporated in the scheme design.

Despite what the specialists have said planting trees to absorb noise does work and should be encouraged throughout the scheme as acknowledged by the Project Director in meetings.