Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Mrs P M Sandell (Mrs P M Sandell)

Date submitted
9 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I own Park Farm, West Amesbury which currently is situated to the north and south of the A303. I also own Stockport Farm, Amesbury which is run as a combined unit with Park Farm. I trade in partnership with my son as West Amesbury Farms and my son has an Agricultural Holdings Act Tenancy over West Amesbury Farm.

The proposals for Park Farm are covered by plot numbers 08-14, 08-18, 08-21, 09-01 and 09-02. I currently have two points of access to enter and leave my field from the existing A303. The proposal put forward does not provide me with any direct access on to any metalled highway and Highways England have failed to make provision to allow me to obtain access despite Highways England being under a statutory obligation to do so.

Potential routes of access have been highlighted to Highways England on numerous occasions and as it stands I cannot get any of my agricultural equipment including my tracked Combine Harvester, to either the part of Park Farm which will remain to the north of the Tunnel and improved road, or to Stockport Farm and my ability to farm those units will be severely compromised.

Highways England have been reminded in 2004 provision was made for access through Countess Farm to Countess Road. I have made various proposals including proposed routes to Highways England none of which have been considered at this stage to ensure that I still have access to a metalled highway.

The land over which the access needs to be provided is owned by the National Trust who may believe that the land at Countess Farm is inalienable. This is yet to be proved by the provision of any documentation however, even if it is inalienable there are provisions to overcome this so that Highways England can provide me with the required access to a metalled highway. I need to be able to get to the Countess Road without any restriction as I have no restrictions imposed upon me at the present time and which will allow my business to operate efficiently.

The proposals for the closure of Stonehenge Road as shown is considered inappropriate as the point of closure should be at the point this joins the Wishford Road. If it is not in that position the intended point of closure will be used for undesirable practices and devalue my property at Park Farm and the potential for the use of this road of undesirable practices appears to be completely lost on both Highways England and Wiltshire County Council despite our offer to take over the maintenance of the road providing it is closed at the junction with the Wishford Road.

To date Highways England have not provided any details as to whether or not any wayleaves will be required to be entered into with utility companies to ensure that there is both power and water supplied to the Tunnel either during or post construction. This therefore needs addressing at this stage.

I am making an assumption that the Minutes of the meetings held with Highways England are freely available to you so that you can see for yourselves that the points made above have been made since 2016 when the current scheme was devised.