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Representation by Amesbury Abbey Group

Date submitted
9 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

1.IMPACT ON HERITAGE ASSETS Amesbury Abbey is a Grade I listed building, a heritage asset of the highest significance which will be permanently adversely affected by this development. The development is incapable of screening and the flyover will be visible from the house. Amesbury Park registered Historic park and garden the pleasure grounds of circa 8ha are listed Grade II*. Baluster Bridge listed Grade IIbuilt. The Chinese House or Chinese Temple listed Grade II Vespians Camp an Iron Age Hill Fort which is a Scheduled Ancient Monument. Gays Cave Listed Grade II*. .Blick Mead is an undesignated heritage asset of national importance. The development will cause substantial harm to the above assets and to their setting both visually and by traffic noise. The scheme will have a negative impact upon dark skies which are part of the setting for the Outstanding Universal Value of the World Heritage Site. 2. LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL IMPACT There is no ability to mitigate the landscape and visual impact of an 8 metre high flyover plus 4m lorries from Amesbury Abbey or its park. No land is being acquired to enable any planting or mitigating landscaping. Significant permanent adverse effects will be caused. 3.AIR QUALITY The scheme will result in increased exposure to nitrogen dioxide close to the Countess Roundabout and the flyover. The Abbey is home to approximately 87 elderly people and houses a large number of staff. Most residents use the grounds for recreation and rest and there will be a permanent detrimental effect on air quality.

4.NOISE AND VIBRATION My clients business relies on the Abbey’s beauty, tranquillity and grounds all of which will be irreparably and detrimentally effected if the scheme goes ahead. The elevation of the traffic will increase the level of noise and the distance it will travel, this is accepted by Highways England. It is also accepted that there will be an increase in the volume of traffic. No noise mitigation works are proposed. Vibration effects will be detrimental for the Abbey and Blick Mead.

5.ROAD DRAINAGE AND THE WATER ENVIRONMENT Concerns regarding the river Avon SAC and Blick Mead, relating to the pollution impacts of surface water run-off and groundwater impacts in terms of changes in water table as a result of ground works, archaeology at Blick Mead may be lost forever. The Environmental Statement conclusion that there will be no adverse impact on Blick Mead is not agreed. Important remains have already been destroyed by the unauthorised drilling of a borehole.

6.CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS The effect on the flow of traffic, it is imperative that staff are able to get to work on time, there are 1,824 weekly vehicle movements. The late arrival of staff could put lives at risk.

7.CUMULATIVE EFFECTS The combination of the effects of noise, dust, vibration, air-quality, lighting, water table etc must be considered. We do not believe that the Secretary of State has adequate environmental information to enable him to make a decision on this application.