Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Tula Chiarletti

Date submitted
9 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am very concerned to hear about the proposed expressway on Stonehenge. IT is very disrespectful to the UNESCO international advisors and to thousands of pagans across the country, which place great importance in stonehenge. It is sacred, it needs protecting. Not destroying for the sake of private PFI's looking to make a quick selfish buck. Please reconsider this proposed road, it will be very damaging to wildlife and the mesolithic site and obstruct visitors views- which would probably lead to a decline in tourism for Wiltshire- an area already affected in parts by this governments horrendous austerity cuts.

Please try to find empathy in your corporate determination and give serious consideration to other alternatives and the very serious issues that the stonehenge alliance have very clearly explained. Building more roads is not the solution to reducing traffic or helping people to be less reliant on their cars. Alternatives, although probably more expensive Im imagining, will enable a compromised and thoughtful response on your part, to ensure this sacred and treasured site is protected from harm and can be enjoyed for many many years to come. Please find it in your hearts to do what is right, not what makes a few greedy people money. Thank you.