Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Edmond Deighton

Date submitted
10 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The Stonehenge landscape is unique, not only to England but around the world, and should be protected in perpetuity. The proposed works will cause irreparable damage to the surrounding area and are against UNESCO advice, thus endangering its World Heritage Status.

More cost-effective ways of promoting faster journey routes along that stretch of the A3030 and cheaper solutions to create a more functional road system that will ease congestion on the A303 have been ignored in order to progress the tunnel 'vision. The A303 is not one, continuous roadblock - there are peak times in the year when it becomes congested due to holiday traffic but queuing/delays are mostly caused by drivers slowing down to look at the Stones. I have watched this occur on multiple occasions, with coaches being one of the main instigators.

Solutions should be sought for the specific issues encountered - the problem has been way overstated to justify the scale of this project. We are on the verge of an historic catastrophe if Highways England continue with this plan.