Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Ewen Leveroni

Date submitted
10 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I'm very worried about the destructive effect that this new road will have on both the environment and on the archaeological value of the site. Clearly damage to the rivers is a very serious concern both during building and afterwards with issues of sunlight and habitat change. Furthermore there could be a serious impact on the Stone Curlew and the Great Bustard, 2 very rare birds. The topography of the area would also be altered we should be mindful of what the Iron Duke said about the irreparable damage caused to the battlefield site at Waterloo by the monument. In effect he argued that any understanding of the battle was now impossible because of the changes in topography. We must avoid similar around Stonehenge.

In newspapers recently mention was made of damage to a Stone Age table by excavations linked to this project. This is a timely warning of the damage feared by UNESCO and many notable archaeologists. The road project represents a permanent scar through an unrivalled historical landscape: a landscape littered with informative and valuable archaeology. Furthermore there has been a paucity of alternatives and it seems to me a lack of desire to find a less damaging option.

Finally the loss of the view of the stones from the road would be very sad as it makes the journey down the A303.