Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Wessex Regionalist - The Party for Wessex

Date submitted
10 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. There are significant archaeological sites still being discovered including in the very areas HE intend to cut huge holes e.g. Blicks Mead, That this site has only recently been discovered clearly points to yet more to be found in the Stonehenge landscape. The destruction of large area by this scheme will kill off any chance for future discoveries to be made.

  2. The site is a World Heritage Site. Cutting huge holes into part of a WHS cannot be seen as "preserving" it for future generations.

  3. This is the most important prehistoric monument and landscape in Britain. It is understood that the experts on this site - including leading Stonehenge archaeologist [Redacted]- have raised objections to the scheme - all of which has been ignored.

  4. The UN advisers on World Heritage Sites have pleaded for alternative options to be considered. Why is the UK government ignore UNESCO?

  5. This scheme applies old technology without considering the probable impact of new technology on future transport systems e.g. driverless cars

  6. This tunnel scheme will not solve the problems of the A303. Many other schemes for sections of the A303 that also must be completed before there can be any real impact on traffic flows. Many of these have not yet been funded so may never happen; any one of them remaining incomplete will negate any planned improvements - it will just move the supposed congestion further along the road.

  7. The cost is now already higher than the alternative of re-routing the road to the south. The nation cannot waste this sort of money.

  8. The actual traffic delay recorded by Dept of Transports own data there is "insufficient data" (source: Licence Bureau road use statistics 2016 pdf).

9, There will be major impact on local residents and farmers who will have years of noise, dirt and diversions to put up with and many types of vehicles will be banned from using the A303 tunnel.

  1. The impact of the large holes being cut and the construction work will damage the environment including a nature re3serve and a listed park.

  2. You are planning to create a wonderful target for terrorist acts. Tunnels are easier to block and harder to clear than open roads.

  3. The planned land bridges also make great suicide sites. To stop this barriers will be needed adding further harm to the landscape.

  4. This scheme is for the benefit of long distance travellers not for the benefit of locals and there is little or no compensation for them.

  5. The consultation thus far has been restricted to only be able to comment on the Highways Agency's preferred scheme. There should and must be an open consultation on the supposed problem and all possible solutions.

  6. Why has nothing or little been published on the response to the initial round of consultation. What were the conclusions of that exercise?