Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Mark Byrne

Date submitted
10 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am in favour of a tunnel under the Stonehenge site, its about time we treated this iconic, world renowned site with the respect it deserves. However the current proposals fall woefully short of what is required. The tunnel must begin and end well outside the Stonehenge area. Even before permission has been given to start the project damage has been done to the archaeology of the area. UNESCO has declared that the scheme as currently proposed is not suitable and risks Stonehenge losing its the World Heritage status. Once the scheme has been completed Stonehenge will only be able to be seen by people who can afford the entrance fee. People who arrive on foot, bicycles, electric cars or public transport should face a much reduced entrance fee. The ridiculous site of internal combustion engined vehicles taking people down what was the A344 must be stopped and the vehicles replace with green alternatives.