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Representation by Gemma Allerton

Date submitted
10 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am unhappy about the whole scheme, from the fact that no reasonable alternative was given during the consultation period to the lack of care given to the unique landscape.During the consultation period the residents of Amesbury were assured that no harm would come to the internationally imporant blick mead archaeoligical site but I have seen no plan thus far as to how they will carry out those assurances. This is a unique archaeolocial landscape, one of very few that does have features under the chalk line which may be harmed no matter how far under the ground the tunnel goes. I am concerned that UNESCO have been so damning to the scheme and I worry about the impact of the whole scheme on the World Heritage site. Why do we have World Heritage sites if we can still put a tunnel in them. Nobody knows what else is in this area of intese archaeology and it is not worth risking our heritage future for a road scheme which may or may not ease congestion (congestion which is only there during limited parts of the year unlike many other roads which are more in need of this investment of money). The most prominent archaeologists do not want the scheme and neither do the local people (despite the consultation telling them it was being done for them). There is not enough assurances about the traffic issies going throuhg the local villages especially with regards to coach companies using Amesbury as a car park to get a free view of Stonehenge which will no longer be available from the road. This road does not need this drastic action, there are other alternatives which are cheaper and better for the landscapes and these need to be explored properly before this scheme goes ahead.