Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Sandra White

Date submitted
10 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am extremely concerned that this Stonehenge should be preserved in its entirety. I visit the stones often and my time there is extremely precious. I also drive past the site and the current view from the road is important too - the distant view enables the full magnificence of the stones and structure as a whole to be taken in differently from being close by. I do not find that the current proposals pay due respect to this World Heritage Site which, once damaged, can never be restored.

I am also concerned that the advice from UNESCO, that the current proposals should not go ahead, is being ignored. I cannot understand why the world's expert opinion is not being taken into account - this indicates to me that the importance and status of Stonehenge for the whole world is not being taken seriously enough.

I have not seen a singe proposal put forward that does not damage the whole World Heritage Site or the Blick Mead Mesolithic site and its setting. Given the importance and status of these sites for the whole world, and the way Stonehenge itself is cherished and vitally important for significant numbers of people in their spiritual practice and also a significant site in Britain's the world's history, I consider that not damaging these sites should be the priority in any scheme to improve traffic flow in the area. A real, authentic consultation should include proposals that incur no damage, as that would be taking account of the importance of these sites for a very wide range of people who are interested in them for different reasons.

I understand from the Stonehenge Alliance that the proposals threaten the habitats of two rare species of bird, namely the Stone Curlew and the Great Bustard, and rank this extremely high in order of priority - we must be learning now the importance of safeguarding our biodiversity and upholding habitats of threatened species.

I am concerned that increased traffic flow, with its concommitant noise, will cause lasting damage over time,

I also want to see proposals that would make visiting Stonehenge and the whole World Heritage Site financially accessible to everyone, including people on very low incomes.