Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Layla Fowler

Date submitted
10 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

To whom this Representation may concern

I object to the proposed A303 Highway proposal as a citizen of the world and as one of billions of people of our time who are the inheritors of the ancient structures like Stone Henge, left to this day which have survived thousands and thousands of years.

My objection is based on the following points:

  1. undermining effect upon the stability of Stone Henge structure which will be caused by earth movement works and explosives
  2. it will block the local people, and all travellers both local and international from being able to view Stone Henge from the road, which was meant to always be visible to people following Sir Cecil Chubb's request for the people
  3. Its not within the rights of the infrastructure highway department of the UK to decide upon the visual accessibility of a monument that was gifted to the nation over 100 years ago and should remain visually accessible by the people and not obscured from sight. The current road works within this right of the nation while the A303 will be against this right.
  4. It is a right of all people on earth to have access to viewing this monuments from any distance without hindrances created to obscure them from sight.
  5. the lack of viable alternative options by the Dept and the sole promotion of the A303 proposal warrants further investigation of the A303 proposal and investigation of why feasible and viable options that do not harm the world heritage sites and that could provide suitable relief of current traffic congestion issues have not been provided to the people of the UK and to the world, since it is a world heritage site. Without providing these alternative viable options the A303 is not an option it is a mandate against the rights of people to have visual access to Stone Henge and will harm the site itself.

There are always better options available when the option given is harmful. Alternative options could prove to be more cost effective, require less resources and provide sooner relief to the aim of improving road congestion without imposing or harming Stone Henge and the pockets of the UK people.

I would encourage a review of potential viable options as best practice and review of the potential damage to Stone Henge that will affect it for years to come.

There is only one Stone Henge in the world, but there are many highways and its all our responsibility to preserve it at all costs for generations now and those to come.

I thank you for accepting and reviewing my representation on this matter and I faithfully believe that a better option exists and is achievable successfully.

I wish you all the best for your review and consideration of this matter, as this decision is a very serious matter that will have consequences for years to come.

Kindest regards,

Layla Fowler