Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Dave Wallace

Date submitted
10 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The WHS is of global significance and much of the surrounding land has lain undisturbed and without proper academic archaeological investigation. The merits of a poorly located road build out are completely outweighed by the loss of undisturbed, globally significant scientific evidence and artefacts. Future techniques will undoubtedly yield even greater understanding., All of this will be permanently destroyed unnecessarily for a road which could bypass this particularly and uniquely sensitive area. It is unlikely future generations will look favourably on this unforgivable short term cost saving. Much as we now view the loss of ancient indigenous sites in the last centuary and earlier.

A full public enquiry must be held and all view points heard and addressed. This must include the impact of the clearing and construction phase as well as the lasting legacy the area will suffer.