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Representation by Thames Crossing Action Group (Thames Crossing Action Group)

Date submitted
10 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As an action group opposed to the proposed Lower Thames Crossing we have learn about many other destructive Highways England schemes including this one. We have serious concerns over the way that HE are not listening to locals and experts regarding this scheme and the damage it has and will do to the area, especially the historic site. Including the damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site and its setting. The irreparable damage to Stonehenge (and the entire WHS) and surrounding area. We are greatly concerned that yet again there was a lack of alternatives from HE, and that the damage the scheme will do to the site and area has not properly been taken into account. We question whether this scheme is about taking away the opportunity for people to view Stonehenge as they drive by and force the need to pay to view. The scheme will damage habitats and environments for locals and wildlife and encourage faster noisier traffic. The total lack of concern from HE regarding all the evidence to show that this scheme is wrong and will destroy such historic and world recognised site/areas is despicable and needs addressing. We object to this scheme wholeheartedly.