Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Ms Elizabeth Murfitt

Date submitted
10 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I disagree with Highways England's proposal to drive a massive dual carriageway through the UNESCO site at Stonehenge.

My reasons for objecting are -

  1. Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting.
  2. UNESCO's advisors say it should not go ahead in its present form.
  3. Damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site and its setting.
  4. Lack of alternative options that would not damage the World Heritage Site in the consultation.
  5. Loss of view from the road and the need to pay to see the stones.
  6. Disturbance of rare bird species (the Stone Curlew and the Great Bustard).
  7. Increased noise from more and faster traffic.
  8. Public opinion has twice rejected this proposal in the last two years.
  9. The Planning Inspectorate should not make a presumption that the scheme should go through - which is bias.

Please make England's Natural and Cultural Heritage your priority and reject this ill-advised scheme.