Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Vicky Chapman

Date submitted
10 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I believe Stonehenge to be of significant international cultural, religious and spiritual value, not to mention its value to British history, which is unparalleled in the U.K. There is no other site like it, and for thousands of years it has been a focus point for British people seeking a connection with their ancestral land. It is completely devastating, not to mention negligent of the highest degree, for Highways England to even entertain the idea of destroying this landscape further by developing a new road scheme which cuts right through the designated World Heritage Site, and its surrounding area - an area full of ancient archeological artifacts and clues which, if destroyed by the suggested scheme (which will happen if the scheme goes ahead, and in fact is already happening) can never be recovered because they will lose the immense significance they have by existing in the landscape right now.

There is also a threat to wildlife as the scheme threatens the natural habitat of the rare Stone Curlew and Great Bustard species, as well as the prospect of noise pollution and the loss of the view of Stonehenge and the surrounding area from the road.

It would be a national and international disaster for this current scheme to go ahead, and would show complete disrespect to and disregard of those people to whom the site has unparalleled cultural, archeological, religious and spiritual significance: namely, the British people and their ancestors, and the people of the world. I hope with all my heart that it will be reconsidered as there is only destruction and loss ahead if it is not stopped.