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Representation by Harald Rauser

Date submitted
11 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses


as a lover of British and European culture and heritage, I firmly believe it is our duty to safeguard and protect archaeological sites of prominent significance as best we can. One of the most important of those being the Stonehenge area and its environment of Mesolithic sites. We owe it to the world, and most importantly to the generations yet to be born, to protect this heritage of human civilisation.

According to archaeologists, historians and other experts, with the road planning as it currently stands, there is clear risk of irreparable damage to the site. This must be avoided.

Knowing the landscape and the area, I come to the conclusion that their assessments are valid and need to be taken seriously. A place such as Stonehenge is unique in the world and its protection must be the highest priority, even if it comes at a considerable cost (to which I will contribute by donating).

I would like to see alternative options brought forward that would save the Stonehenge site and its surroundings from any damage.

I urge you to listen to the experts; to think of the generations to come; to allow for enough additional time for consideration and profound weighing of alternative options.

Thank you for reading and considering these suggestions,

kind regards,

Harald Rauser