Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Judith De St Croix

Date submitted
11 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I a appalled that the UK Goverment can even contemplate this road and tunnel proposal which will adversely effect the iconic Stonehenge landscape. What kind of message does this send out about Britain to the rest of the World? That we are environmental vandals to whom nothing is sacred, not even an internationally recognised UNESCO World Heritage Site The tunnel proposal will irreparably damage the important archaeological site at Blick Mead (Highways England has already shown to be casual about causing damage here). Future generations will no longer be able to enjoy the view of Stonehenge from the current A303 and the visitors to the site will have increased air pollution and traffic noise from the new larger, faster roads blighting the sacred site. Archaeological evidence and knowledge about our past will also be destroyed and lost forever. This iconic landscape should be protected for future generations. Please reconsider your planning proposals and reject the Stonehenge tunnel as an act of environmental vandalism.