Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Roy Matthews

Date submitted
11 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I know this landscape well and think there are many new discoveries still to be made, which will be jeopardised if this scheme is allowed to go ahead in its current form. Its not just about Stonehenge, iconic as that is, but the whole environment which should be treasured and preserved for future generations to enjoy and learn from. In my view, having studied the proposals in detail, the tunnel and embankment will do irrevocable, damage to the World Heritage Site and its setting - permanent damage to the most important archaeological site in the country. UNESCO's advisers support this view and have made it clear that the scheme should not go ahead in its current form. The proposed tunnel and embankment will do irrevocable damage to the Blick Mead Mesolithic site and its setting, for example, the shift in the water table produced by the proposed works will destroy vital organic evidence. In my view, far greater consideration should have been given to the above factors from the outset; there's been a notable lack of alternative options that would not damage the World Heritage site in the consultation. Finally , the priority must be to preserve this unique site for future generations. The increased noise and pollution from more and greater traffic will disturb rare bird species, such as the Stone Curlew and Great Bustard, and degrade the environment. Future generations will not forgive us if we allow this to go ahead in its current form.