Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Jill Gough

Date submitted
11 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

While understanding the desire to stop the intrusion of traffic noise and pollution into the site of Stonehenge, I object to the plans currently proposed. We have a responsibility to protect the whole area for future generations.

  • The bigger picture is for environmental policies to look longer term and aim to take freight off of the roads and on to rail. Recent warnings of Climate Change could make this whole plan an expensive and foolish white elephant.

*The plans wrongly ignore the site’s status as a World Heritage Site;

  • More specifically, the plans do not take into account the fact that Stonehenge is part of a wider prehistoric landscape. These current plans appear to treat Stonehenge itself as an isolated site.

*As a retired archaeologist I would rather see further,intensive investigations into the site of Blick Mead and no doubt plenty of other sites in the area which connect the history of Stonehenge’s context with the immediate post glacial period;

*Why not divert the road right away from the site and isolate Stonehenge and it’s environs from the chemical and noise pollution of traffic entirely?

*In addition, and as a keen ornithologist I would like to add that certain ecosystems could well be upset and some particular bird species might well be lost from the area at a time when we should be considering preservation, not disturbance and destruction.

Many thanks.